Scientific collaboration
Borok Geophysical Observatory cooperates with a number of the Russian and foreign scientific organizations and institutes.
Scientific organizations
INTERMAGNET (International Real-time Magnetic Observatory Network) is the global network of observatories, monitoring the Earth's magnetic field. The INTERMAGNET programme exists to establish a global network of cooperating digital magnetic observatories, adopting modern standard specifications for measuring and recording equipment, in order to facilitate data exchanges and the production of geomagnetic products in close to real time. Where local support is lacking it is a further goal of INTERMAGNET to aid in the establishment of new observatories or to provide assistance with the upgrade and maintenance of existing facilities. Supplemental to this aim is the promotion of modern standards for measuring and recording the Earth's magnetic field. INTERMAGNET is constituted from existing groups whose primary task is one of geomagnetic measurement.
Borok Geophysical Observatory is a member of INTERMAGNET from 2000. Within the framework of INTERMAGNET program the standard automatic magnetic observatory INTERMAGNET functions and the absolute measurements of a geomagnetic field are carried out in Borok Geophysical Observatory. The data of a magnetic observatory and the absolute geomagnetic measurements results are transferred to the INTERMAGNET geomagnetic information node in the Institute of Earth Physics of Paris via e-mail.
ICAE (International Commission on Atmospheric Electricity) has been created for assistance to studying of the atmospheric electric phenomena, stimulation of discussions, presentations and publications of the scientific results concerning to the electric phenomena in the atmosphere.
The Institute of Earth Physics of Paris
The Institute of Earth Physics of Paris (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris) is a research and educational institution. Its mission is to achieve research and provide education in the fields of geosciences but the institute is also in charge of monitoring the natural phenomena. The institute conducts research in all the fields of studies of the solid Earth (geophysics, geochemistry, and quantitative geology) by combining observations on land and at sea, from laboratory analysis to the construction of conceptual, analogical and numerical models.
Borok Geophysical Observatory collaborates with The Institute of Earth Physics of Paris within the framework of “Protocol on collaboration in scientific researches” between Shmidt's Institute of Physics of the Earth and Institute of Earth Physics of Paris and “Agreement for operation of an INTERMAGNET magnetometer system at Borok Geophysical Observatory IPE RAS”. The means of collaboration are participation in INTERMAGNET program, as well as researches of a geomagnetic field and a global electric circuit with use of the INTERMAGNET data.