Geophysical Monitoring Laboratory
The Geophysical Monitoring Laboratory (the first name was the laboratory of observation and primary data processing) was organized in August, 1976. The basic research directions of the laboratory (as it was underlined by the order of Academician M. A. Sadovsky) consist in «observation and registration of geomagnetic and geoelectric fields pulsations and VLF (very low frequency) radiations, data preparation for processing machines, development of new systems of observation and data analysis». The laboratory was formed on the basis of group for observation and instrument production directed by V. A. Gorbin. The first Head of the Laboratory of observation and primary data processing was Ph.D. N.N. Rusakov. The “first” staff of the laboratory was: S.V.Anisimov, I.K.Afonchenko, J.E.Borovkov, V.I.Goncharov, V.A.Dobrotsvetov, V.F.Ruban, etc. Namely these researchers have put the foundation of basic geomagnetic observations in the Observatory.
The main directions of scientific activity of the laboratory are connected with monitoring of geophysical fields and also with studying of a global electric circuit and atmospheric electricity. Processes of formation of the low atmosphere electric state were actively studied and electro-aerodynamics of free and disturbed surface atmosphere was investigated in the laboratory last decade along with maintenance of continuous geophysical observations and digital data registration. Estimations of the contribution of basic generators forming quasi-stationary state of global electric circuit were executed; dynamics of surface atmosphere electric field was investigated; aeroelectric structures (the ordered cells of atmospheric electric field) and the universal law of frequency spectrum of aeroelectric field pulsations were found out experimentally; processes of formation of aeroelectric high-altitude structures in the surface layer and in the exchange layer of the atmosphere were also experimentally and numerically investigated; original natural aeroelectric observations under conditions of energetically significant geophysical, meteorological and anthropogenous phenomena, such as a magnetic storm, a strong fog, industrial excavating explosions were carried out; the equipment for precision high-sensitivity geomagnetic and aeroelectric measurements, and also for digital registration of measurable fields was also developed and created.
At present the unique ground-based complex of geophysical monitoring with the digital registration, providing continuous observations and scientific researches of geomagnetic field, atmospheric electricity, atmospheric pressure, Doppler displacement of radiofrequency, the basic meteorological parameters is created in the laboratory. The result of observation and primary processing is the database of the middle-latitude Borok Geophysical Observatory.
The Geophysical Monitoring Laboratory provides Observatory working in the Sub-Auroral Magnetometer Network (SAMNET) and in the International Real-time Magnetic Observatory Network (INTERMAGNET). The urgency of the information concerning the geoelectromagnetic state in a wide frequency range is connected with development of modern navigating means, quality of solar weather forecasts, a level of diagnostics of medicobiological effects of solar activity. The database of geophysical and meteorological fields formed as a result of continuous observations makes it possible to solve the wide range of tasks connected with geoelectrodynamics, a global electric circuit and solar-terrestrial relations, first of all, directed on maintenance of geophysical quality control of environment and on problem solving by geophysical monitoring with the purpose to diagnose and to forecast ecological conditions of environment.
The important direction of the laboratory activity is monitoring and analysis of seismic processes based on the data of ground tests and seismic networks, study of Earth’s crust stress condition in seismoactive regions on fault plane solution of earthquakes and under the geological data about jointing of rocks. The changes of fragile properties earth crust (rigidity) under the seiseismological data about background seismicity are investigated to study processes of geodynamics and preparation of strong earthquakes. Real-time monitoring of earth crust rigidity is provided for Northen and Southern California.